Bootstrap 4 Modern Business Template PHP Version

by Chucho Vergara

Posted on June 17, 2018 at 18:37 PM

Do you need to build a new Bootstrap based website, but instead of using HTML you nedd a PHP clean version?

Well you're a really lucky person. Here you have it, the Modern Business Boostrap V4 in PHP format. The sections head, navigation and footer are already separed on different files, and they are included in every page to avoid that annoying task to repeat the same piece of code everywhere.

If you want to check wich template I'm talking about, you can visit the original Start Bootstrap website and look for the Modern Business template.

Feel free to use or share this template if you find it usefull.

Chucho Vergara

Web Developer

I'm Jesús Vergara Cortés, Chucho is my nickname. I'm a Mexican developer with a passion for web development and visual aspects as well.
